دراجة ثابتة, تستخدم لتمارين تعمل على شد الجسم وتنشيط القلب والاوعيه الدمويه, حرق الدهون والسعرات الحراريه والتخفيف من التهاب المفاصل , وهى بمسند ظهر وتتحمل اوزان عاليه.
Brand: phonex DHZ Fitness
Origin: China
Upright Bike with LED display.
The multi-position enlarged handle and multi-level
adjustable seat provide an excellent biomechanical solution.
Whether it is city cycling or racing sports,
this device can accurately simulate for you and bring excellent sports experience to the practitioners.
Basic information such as speed, calories, distance, and time will be accurately displayed on the console.
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